By now, most of you are aware of the reason this site was shut down. In the three weeks since I first received the email, several excellent Genesis ROM collections have also been taken offline. Anyone who knows the nature of the emulation scene will probably guess that I've been flooded with requests for Genesis ROMs over the last few weeks. Sadly, the only way to get backups of your Genesis carts now is to shell out cash for an (illegal) copying device, or pad someone's pockets by buying pirate ROM CDs. Large non-profit ROM archives seem to be the only target of the IDSA and because of this, we all end up losing.

Due to the threat of legal action, I can no longer provide any Genesis ROMs by any means. The site is NOT going private. There will NOT be any Genesis ROMs provided under the name "The Dump". Any sites that claim to be "The Dump: Genesis" reborn are fake. Until the illegal status of Genesis ROMs is lifted, you'll no longer be able to get Genesis games from me. Please take careful note of the following points:

With that out of the way, my plan for the rebirth of "The Dump: Genesis" is as follows:

For a sample of how the new Genesis Dump game listing are going to look, check out this link:

To all my friends and supporters, I thank you...
...and to the bastard to email-bombed me the day the site was shut down, I feel sorry for you.