Basic Log of events

This is a basic log of recents events vaguely associated with the emu, only from my point of view. You can get the full conversation on the various emulation message boards, but this page has a few snapshots. Now a lot of people greatly blame (e.g.) RealityMan for quitting emulation because of the lamers, but you may change your mind if you read this page and see things from the point of view of an emulation author. (And I can assure you this is a fairly quiet period as well!) To set the scene for yourself, just imagine you have been developing Final Burn for ten months and released it to the public. Now simply read on...!

Tuesday 13th March 2001
Current version of FB is 0.111

I'm starting off a basic log of events about two main issues,
Nebulus, the new CPS2 emulator, and the constant argument about the 'correct'
speed for the Turbo games.

I'm getting an incredible amount of abuse from people about this.
When I saw that a new CPS2 emulator was out, I posted on the board to say that I
was actually happy about it because it would spread the load of dealing with CPS2
related complaints, bug reports, bug screenshots, ideas - basically just thin
out my mailbox to easier levels.
Then I took a look at the screenshots, and my gut reaction is that the emu was a fake,
so I posted this on the retrogames board, but I was totally wrong - Nebulus is
totally real. Here are some of the posts on retrogames.

This post was from Althalus. Here it is with my reply:

Subject Re: Why Dayvee thinks Nebula is fake
(reply to Althalus)
Posted on 03/13/01 01:23 PM 

> It hurts his (truly massive) ego that any single person could emulate CPS2
> besides him.

No it doesn't, as I've said CPS2 is very easy to emulate.
Also as I've already said, my initial reaction when I thought is real was
that I was pleased because it would spread the load of cps2 queries
and bug reports etc

> Of course it's in MAME also, but Dayvee tells himself it took a
> whole team to accomplish what he could do himself. Because he thinks he's the
> second coming of Sardu, only better and more loved. Have you noticed him bash
> Sardu on more than one occasion?

No I haven't - I think Sardu was excellent, I am just amazed about
how people worship him, which i really don't think is healthy.
When they worship me/flame me, I don't it's healthy either.

> Can you say jealous and unappreciative? Of
> course, Sardu coded Callus from *scratch* in ASM. If you took the CPS2 side of
> Final Burn apart, I think you'd find it consisted of 1) Neill's Starscream core
> 2) RAZE or MZ80 core 3) MAME CPS1.C and QSOUND.C source 4) Raz's XOR code - all
> tacked together messily by Dave and slapped his name on it.

Final Burn contains Mike Coates excellent 68000 emulator and the rest
of the CPS2 emulator is ENTIRELY MY OWN CODE.

> Of course, if you take CPS1/2 out of Final Burn, then it's actually a halfway
> decent emulator, for Galaxy Force, Afterburner and the beginning of Thunder
> Blade.
> I could personally care less about Nebula. But at least give the author some
> credit, and don't bash him down because you feel someone encroaching on "your"
> territory.
That wasn't my reason for calling it fake. My reason is that I think
it is a fake, pure and simple.

>I doubt he'll come here and fish for praise, and you'll still have
> most of your little suck up brigade worshipers to withhold your illusions of
> divinity.
> Anyone who knows anything knows Dave is behaving like an ass and is a
> copy-source programmer. He's fast becoming more annoying than Antos.

It pains me if you really believe that. Please reply and let me know you don't.

Here's another:

Subject New Ego Emulator from dayvee  
Posted by Uematsu 
Posted on 03/12/01 07:57 PM 

I just thought the Ego-affair ended up when that "ultrahack" silly batch. 
It was then somehow stupid to call a simple batch a "hack" of an emulator. 
It was quite childish to remove CPS2 support that an emulator already had. 
But now, things have gone too far.
First of all, you have no proof to say the new Cps2 emulator is a fake. 
Neither you know if dreamer is a fake. You haven´t tested any of them, 
but it seems you must be some kind of Jesucrist lost-brother and have 
magical superpowers and an exceptional brain in order to be the only 
one in this whole world to be able to code such a emulator.
Also, the legion of Father dayvee the Great accolytes, just start 
laughing at something they don´t even know if it´s a fake or not.
Who the hell do you think you are? The messiah Jews are expecting 
to come? Some kind of Mahoma clone? The long awaited Buddha lama 
reincarnation? A webpage posts a batch and they are "unsupportive".
Someone makes a batch and is a hacker. And now someone else which
isn´t you develops a new emulator for CPS2 and he is... someone
who makes you lose your great status of 
Come on, get down from your FAKE-heaven, or maybe quit drugs. 
That would be better than thinking you´ve got a big ego-attack 
with deliriums.

And by the way, even though Spain isn´t next to Puerto Rico. 
There´s some people here who have brains, who´s able to do things, 
and who doesn´t need all those attention you seem to need everyday 
to carry on with your life.
And... best of all. Give us back Gibraltar. Gibraltar is Spanish. 

This is more of the same. This guy accuses me of being on drugs (nope).
The reference to 'simple batch a hack' is about when I was trying to stop
people distributing batch files which allowed SSF2 to be played in
Final Burn when I didn't want it to be: I wanted people to switch
over and try playing it using another emulator instead mainly because
I was getting sick of the pressure.
I asked people to respect my wishes, after all I'd done for them (TMNT/Gen/AB/CPS2 etc).

rg, ev, zd and many others did, but emulatronia didn't (even when I e-mailled
them), they put the batch files all over their site.
So yes, posting a batch file really was very unsupportive at that point!
Uematsu is a friend of the emulatronia web-master.

About the SSF2T speed. We are pretty sure it's about 12mhz.

Subject Have a take Dave.....  
Posted by sark 
Posted on 03/13/01 01:08 AM 

Timing is a big issue in Super Turbo. I cant understand why all you idiots dont
think it is. If you have played the game in the arcade you would know that
timing is everything in that game. Playing this wack out crack edition is
learning a whole new game. Funny how all the gamers get the "ego" trip from
Dave. When I seriously doubt he or any other fools that say speed problems are
a non issue, have even popped a quarter in that game. I also like Daves
attitude as of late, especially with the name calling towards Antos (who
hasnt made one egotistical post). I guess Ill join you and say you proven
yourself once again that your a little girl and get cranky when so-called
lamers harass you, yet you go do the same thing you panzy ass. Nice fucking skirt. 

This is getting irritating also, because loads of people are posting saying
"timings a big issue in Super Turbo - fix it now! It's not fixed, fix it. You assholes
I'm telling you that the speed is wrong. Turbo n is equal to SSF2 in the Saturn port."

We even have one guys complaining that the memory test at the start is half a second out.
I keep asking a simple question: if the effective speed is not 12mhz, what do you think
it is?! I have received no answers, just more abuse from the likes of Sark.
You can't just sit there and say something like "The speeds wrong I know I'm the
west coast champion - fix it now" and expect me to find that useful!

Given the very confusing/insulting posts that are circulating, I still believe
that SF2T should be 7mhz and SSF2T should be 12mhz (both to the nearest mhz).

Here's a new post by Althalus in response to me putting this page up:

Subject Yes, let's laugh at the "lamers" - according to Dave!  
Posted by Althalus 
Posted on 03/13/01 03:36 PM 


More finger pointing in order to influence the weak of opinion and easily 
lead. Another way to make it look ok for Dave to be rude and arrogant but 
for others to get blasted for it. Another chance for Dave to inflate his 
"I'm always right" ego. What exactly gives Dave the authority to label 
someone a "lamer" anyway? He's been acting lamer than most on this board 

Just let it go. Who do you think you are, Tim Eckel?

> Now he can complain without anyone answering him back. Just think if you flame
> hard enough you might get published! (I've always wanted to be famous)
You only live once, so cause trouble while you still can! 

With this page I'm not trying to influence anyone, since I'm not really
bothered whether they agree or disagree.
What I'm doing on this page is showing how me doing a simple thing
like stating my opinion on a few simple points can end up with incredible
abuse from everyone. I'm barely able to do anything these days without some
strange person taking a vendetta against me! Crazy.


A post from Sark - I've finally got some helpful info rather than just a comment
like "Timing is a big issue in Super Turbo. I cant understand why all you idiots
dont think it is."!

Sark believes that 9 or 10 mhz for ssf2t is better than 12mhz.

Hopefully in the long run we'll know if he is correct.
Raz assures me that 12mhz keeps ssf2t in sync with the real arcade board, so
obviously there's a conflict here. My best guess would have to be 12mhz,
since Raz is able to do a direct comparison (and also his tests of cycle speed using
loop tests give a value of about 12mhz).


Proof that Dreamer and Nebulus is Real!
Take a look at this!
What can I say - I was told by people on retrogames that Dreamer was a fake emulator,
and I remembered seeing the shots of Crazy Taxi, but that's definitely a shot of
a real emulator. So I can only conclude that both emus are real!


The following is a conversation with Althalus after posting that Dreamer is real
so Nebulus is likely to be real too:

Subject Re: *Shock horror*  
(reply to Althalus)
Posted on 03/13/01 06:57 PM 
> > One of the shots of Dreamer is obviously from a real emulator: what 
> > can I say - I was assured that Dreamer was fake! If Dreamer is real
> > then Nebulus is almost certainly real also, no matter how fake the
> > screenshots may look!
> How did they look fake anyway? You're saying shots from your own emulator would
> look fake then.

I don't understand what you mean. In my opinion the shots on emulatronia look 
like they may be artists impressions (a bit like what they did with Crazy Taxi),
so they could be fake, and I certainly think they look that way (I could go 
into reasons if you want). But they could just be the very graphical style of 
the author - right now after the shock that Dreamer is real I really don't know!

> You should have kept your mouth shut about Nebula in the first place, then
> there'd be no need for this image damage control. Yeah you fucked up, and stuck
> your foot in your mouth too soon, and you've gone out of your way to prove
> yourself wrong.

I was only giving my best info about whether Nebula was a real emulator or not.

> Just shut up about it now, k? You get no revenue from people using your
> emulator, so the idea of "competition" is absurd.

This is just a cut and paste answer since I'm sick of responding to this:
"When I saw that a new CPS2 emulator was out, I posted on the board to say that I
was actually happy about it because it would spread the load of dealing with CPS2
related complaints, bug reports, bug screenshots, ideas - basically just thin
out my mailbox to easier levels."

> --
> You only live once, so cause trouble while you still can!


Wednesday 14th March 2001

Not again! There's this guy:
From: "eyer" <>
and he always mails me roms - I've written back time after time (about
10-15 times now) saying DO NOT SEND ME ANY MORE MAIL. Well - guess what,
he's back once again, sending me files I don't need.

This time he's sent me the roms for Alien vs Predator (Jpn).
(He may *think* he's trying to help if he's really stupid, but I doubt it.)
One time he literally sent about 20 2 megabyte e-mails into my mailbox
of CPS2 Romsets - totally useless.

I get I'm just going to try ignoring the idiot this time.
I'm guessing he's just trying to annoy me into adding AvsP (Jpn) to Final Burn,
but I'm not going to.
If you want to play in Japanese, use the region switch or use CPS2MAME or
use MAME or use Nebulus. It really pisses me off when there are about
four different ways of doing something and someone moans "Yeah but I wanna
have it this way!".

A few more e-mails from today:

From: "=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?sccgv7Wx4g==?=" <>

final burn version UP! (v0.111->v0.112)
PS:final fight error!
Good Bye~~~


X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 113

is there any UPLOAD somewhere???
you know man i'm thirsty about playing new cps2 games so do your best,hold-on 
but please,be quick!!!!!!
Thank you for all what you've done from the begining.


From: "That's Right" <>
Subject: Re: dave, dave, dave...

interesting.  you have time to insult people on messageboards for hours, yet
you can't fix the buggy emulation of a "simple" piece of hardware.  very

also, you're not a very good PR person. calling people idiots when you're
wrong? tsk tsk.

you can know how to do something and still be incapable of it.  for example,
i bet you know HOW to have sex, but i bet you're incapable of actually
getting any.

wow, you just got totally ruled.



That last one is about the fact that Final Burn doesn't emulate the raster
effects in CPS2 games. Having read that, hopefully you get a better understanding
of the sort of annoying e-mails I get.
I mean this guy has used my software for free and then spit on me.
Doesn't that seem shitty to anyone else?
This sort of thing flows into my mailbox day after day.
I hope you are now understanding why Realityman quit emulation a bit more.

Thursday 15th March 2001

Post on emulatronia:

NEBULA 0.3 ALPHA NEWS: Nos "alegramos" de que haya tantos bocazas 
(Dave, Gridle, .....) que nos acusen de utilizar fotos falsas para 
tener más visitas, ya que después les toca tragarse TODO lo que han 

I says that I should 'eat my words'.
Come on - haven't I apologised enough about Nebulus?
It's great that there's a new CPS2 emulator.
However I think I should me and Raz should get a bit of respect for the early
work we did in allowing CPS2 emulation (sorting out fetch and read etc.)
It is very straightforward to write a CPS2 emulator - I'm surprised that are
only three given how popular the games are.

Tuesday 20th March 2001

Then you get really useful html e-mails like:

Message-ID: <>
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 19:17:06 EST
Subject: I know you probably get asked this every day but....
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="part1_21.8f986e0.27e7fb82_boundary"
Content-Disposition: Inline
X-Mailer: AOL 6.0 for Windows US sub 10501
X-UIDL: 5c23c56228a3b8b0e4485f5345164074

where in the hell do I get more roms for Final Burn. I love you emulator, but 

I need more games! it's like crank, I need more!
Er - thanks for that. That's exactly what I include my e-mail for: really stupid messages. Let's see what else, an e-mail asking where the pause button is, and a few 'hey those guys on the log page are dicks' messages. -------------- Saturday 24th March 2001 And then sometimes they write again and again... Sender: Message-ID: <> Date: Sat, 24 Mar 2001 17:38:44 +0800 From: jufri <> X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.75 [en] (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-22 i586) Subject: u miss understod ok let me ask in a more formal way since u did not understand my last mail,thats if u were reading it. To whom it may concern, will there be a new version of Final Burn emulator that runs a game called Xmen versus Street Fighter(cps2)? I ain't begging for roms.I REAPEAT I AIN'T BEGGING FOR ANY FUCKING ROMS GOT THAT? -------------- Sunday 25th March 2001 Some e-mail I can't actually read (apart from 'D&D2' so I can guess what that's about...) Subject: Dudu mandou pra vc!!! Dae Dave!!!! Pq vc nao vai descrepitar o DD&2, isto eh coisa de viado....pq meu amigo dudu, quer dizer, mais amigo teu do q meu, tem as roms jah, seu coco.... Pq ele tem um amigo, quer dizer, bem amigo!!! que eh chines e passou as rom pra ele.. entao vc vai toma no cu!!!!! And then you get a few 'slightly weird' e-mails like this... From: "vehicroider" <> Reply-To: "vehicroider" <> Organization: Subject: Present ^^ X-Mailer: Daum Web Mailer 1.0 Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 21:28:39 KST Message-Id: <> Errors-To: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="985523319.DaumWebMailer." X-UIDL: 8eb97bde694b2ce684ba3880437c09c0 Status: U Final Burn.. Very thanks^^ This picture is my present for you I'm student(korean) that only can like this ganbare!!(japenese) ^^ ================================================== ¿ì¸® ÀÎÅͳÝ, Daum Æò»ý ¾²´Â ¹«·á E-mail ÁÖ¼Ò ÇѸÞÀÏ³Ý Áö±¸ÃÌ ÇÑ±Û °Ë»ö¼­ºñ½º Daum FIREBALL [] Retain.jpg And retain.jpg is a fairly crap 700k pencil sketch of picture of a woman with bare tits falling 'into camera'. So, just to clarify, downloading from my POP3 account large sketches of a badly-drawn woman with bare tits falling down a hole doesn't really help arcade emulation that much. No really. Honestly. And does anyone read the docs by the way? You know like the bit which says Alt-P : Pause/Unpause ? From: Received: from Message-ID: <> Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 14:50:58 EST Subject: "Game Pause" feature in Final Burn? MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Mailer: AOL 5.0 for Windows sub 128 X-UIDL: a108f820439d94d76bb8a2608392ef02 Dear Dave, Having CPS2 Save State support is wonderful! However, to use it effectively, having a feature to "pause the game" would help (especially saving from Full screen mode with enemies on the screen). Coul you add this feature at some point? P.S. I love Final Burn! Stephen This one made me laugh: A while ago this guy e-mailled me claiming he could get the source code for any emulator, so I said "any emulator? Okay then, get me the source to UltraHLE!". He said no problem! Wow! So about 1 month later he comes back to me: Date: 25 Mar 2001 13:17:51 MST From: Nadir AKINCI <> Subject: sorry X-Mailer: USANET web-mailer (34FM.0700.16A.01) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----NetAddressPart-00--=_yuRz2000S1750893e08" X-UIDL: 74a7e7e719f4fd20175b67f08dc390f0 Status: U Here is your ultrahle source, i'm sorry about the latency. Don't forget me! ____________________________________________________________________ Get free email and a permanent address at [] Excitedly I opened the zip: could this be the sacred source to UltraHLE...? No of course it isn't, it's just that stupid disassembly someone did! (You can get it from everywhere and it's totally useless.) Still, it made me laugh: this person really seems to think he has supplied me with the source code to UltraHLE! Oh dear... ================================================== Monday 26th March 2001 The e-mail just never stops. Everyone feels they have to tell me something about Final Burn. Now people are sending me translations of stuff on this page - please guys I really couldn't care less, but here it is. I'm hoping this will stop people sending translations. Subject: Dudu sent you!!! Dae(?) Dave!!!! Why don't you decript DD&2, i mean this is really a (...) thing... because my friend dudu, i mean, he's more a friend of yours than mine, has already got the roms, you (something like shit but in a silly way...).... Because he's got a friend, i mean, a real friend!!! who is a chinese and gave him the roms..than go fuck your self (something like that)!!!!! I guess I'll now get hundreds of e-mails pointing out mistakes in that translation. Sigh. Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 09:48:22 -0800 (PST) From: "F. Serra Francisco" <> Subject: by francisco from Argentina MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii X-UIDL: 158491e2ec27d8a8b156251779209da5 Hello, I think that the final burn emu it´s exelent, and i want to ask you if, the roms of mervel vs capcom and xmen vs marvel, and all of that tyle of game (fighting game) will be emulated by the final burn. Thank Francisco It's like being in a time-warp or something. HELLO?? IS ANYONE LISTENING OUT THERE? PLEASE STOP SENDING THIS TO ME. Received: from by with HTTP; Mon, 26 Mar 2001 20:20:09 GMT X-Originating-IP: [] From: "Trent Nichols" <> Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 20:20:09 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html X-OriginalArrivalTime: 26 Mar 2001 20:20:10.0003 (UTC) FILETIME=[27E0AE30:01C0B632] X-UIDL: ddf3c9ebc05514013528ee90afd8ee24 I think your efforts on the emulator are great, but I had one question. Do you plan on emulating Marvel vs. Capcom? is it possible now? Or will it ever be? Hope I'm not bugging you too much by asking, but please send a reply. Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at Send a reply? Here's a reply: PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE. What the hell have I done by creating this emulator? It's like I opened a door to The Stupid Zone. Will someone please seal it again. Now to those of you screaming 'well why have you got your e-mail address on the web-site' the answer is this: The idea is that emu web-sites, who always carry contact details for the poor emu authors, do NOT carry my e-mail address but instead link to The idea is that people actually read the site (HAHA!), so that questions like these get answered. Now if I take my e-mail off the site, the emu web-sites will of course just directly include my e-mail address since it's now commonly known, and with no FAQ I will then get e-mails from stupid AND smart people asking 'when MvsC with be emulated already' for the 1000th time. Now I'll have to implement some solution (there are some things I can do like change my address, but it's work). It just really pisses me off that after all I've done for emulation, I now have to sort out this problem as well, caused by the very people who I've been letting download my emu. It's like, thanks guys. Great way to thank me: force me to change my e-mail address. Nicola's solution works pretty well I guess. Jesus, I never thought writing an emulator would incite so much shit. Why doesn't everyone just relax and thank what they HAVE? And just to round off today, it looks like that guy sent me another virus. Whoever this guy is, he apparently wants to cripple my machine very badly, so I really don't know what his problem is. If I'm wrong I apologise: there's no way you can know for certain who is who on the Internet, or as I have learned, which emus are real and which are not, but to the author of Nebula: if this really is you and you want to import Final Burn save states, the information is out there already (on zophar for example), and you have my full approval. Okay, my e-mail is up to date. I really hope it doesn't fill up again.
Part 2