On the 27th October, the ISP for this web site received correspondence from Gateway 2000, acting
on behalf of Amiga Development LLC, who requested the immediate closure of Lazarus.  This is because
Gateway 2000 allege Lazarus '[has posted and distributed Gateway 2000's] copyrighted software illegally.'
Lazarus is currently in negotiations with Gateway 2000 in an effort to resolve this matter quickly, and
to the mutual satisfaction of all parties.

If, after the 7th November, this matter has not been concluded, Lazarus will continue at reduced power.  This
means popular sections of the site will remain temporarily withdrawn.until the items in question have
been identified by the claimant, and relevant action has been decided on.

We apologise for this interruption, but would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for
your continued patience and kind letters of support - hundreds of which
we've received over the past 72 hours.

Now the good news.

Regular visitors to this web site will recall our plans to organise giveaways throughout
the month of October - 'The Lazarus Octoberfest'.

Because of the above action, this has not been possible.

So here's a picture of a pumpkin instead*.

*Click on the pumpkin to enter the Lazarus Halloween Giveaway.