Emulators CZ

Poslední update:
23.10.2000, 18:30

od 23.10.2000:


The Impact

  Arcade emulátory

  Domácí počítače




    ICQ #2562871

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Impact Emu
poslední verze: Release 1 (181 kB) z 2.1.2000
Arcade emulátor podporující množství relativně nových boardů, výkonově vesměs odpovídajících PSX - Namco System 11 a 12, Taito FX1 a Capcom ZN1/2. Jediná zatím vydaná verze podporuje hry: Psychic Force, Rival School, Street Fighter EX, Street Fighter EX Plus a Battle Arena Toshinden 2.
Ke spuštění všech her budete také potřebovat soubor BOARDROM.BIN (50 kB).
Autoři si dali vlastní omezení, že nebudou podporovat hry novější než s rokem výroby 1997 - přestože neoficiální betatesterská verze emulátoru, která pronikla na veřejnost, jasně ukazuje že technicky to v některých případech není žádný problém...
Doporučenou sestavou je PII/450, 128MB RAM a dobrá 3D karta. V praxi (mé zkoušení na cca 10ti počítačích plus zkušenosti uživatelů z iRC) se ukázalo, že stačí i Celeron na 366MHz, 64MB RAM, a TNT2 k běhu na akceptovatelných 40fps. Bez 3D karty nemá smysl ani zkoušet - PIII/550MHz/160MB s jakousi parodií na videokartu od ATI produkuje pouze nehratelné slideshow.

Pokud se vám Impact hroutí ještě před samotným spuštěním GUI, máte patrně starou verze MFC42, Impact vyžaduje 6.x. Pokud máte Windows 2000, nepomůže vám nic, Impact v nich zatím prostě nefunguje. MFC 4.2 DLL (620 kB)
Pokud vám nefunguje hra Psychic Force (a přesvědčili jste se předtím prověřením některým z ROM manažerů že máte opravdu správný romset), zkuste použít tuto konfiguraci (vložit do CFG adresáře).
Pokud si Impact stáhnete, měli byste věnovat pozornost i dalším dvěma užitečným souborům, které by měly vyřešit problém uživatelů vlastnících karty se slabším OpenGL. Jsou to grafické renderery pro Direct3D a Glide. Který ze tří rendererů bude lepší/rychlejší závisí vyloženě na vaší videokartě, nutno zkusit, a může se to lišit i u jednotlivých her... Obecně ale majitelé Voodoo asi budou nejspokojenější s Glidem (Impact přes Glide je asi nejrychlejší vůbec), kdo ví, že jeho karta má dobré OpenGL nechá si default konfiguraci, a ostatní vezmou zavděk Direct3D.
Direct3D Renderer 1.8 (70 kB)
Glide Renderer 1.1 (67 kB)

Opravdu výborné tipy, jak si pohrát s nastavením jednotlivých grafických karet popsal Ivilded (jeden z autorů) svého času na Impact webu:

impact emu OpenGL renderer

PAGE UP - Toggle frame skipping on/off (default: off)
PAGE DN - Toggle FPS limitation on/off (default: off)
HOME    - Toggles between auto(default)/25/30/50/60 FPS limit
END     - Toggle texture alignment on/off (default: on)

Here are some hints and explanations for using the impact
OpenGL renderer.

Some special hints are included for 3dfx and nVidia cards.

3dfx cards:   Voodoo2/Voodoo3/Banshee
nVidia cards: TNT/TNT2/GeForce

General hints
not much to do... make sure you have installed some
Detonator based drivers. That's all.

Voodoo2 owners should copy a 3dfx ICD file called 
'OpenGL32.dll' into the impact main directoy. You can
get that file from your 3dfx driver set (copy and
rename the file '3dfxVGL.dll').

There are different 3dfx OpenGL ICDs around, you can check
the version of yours by right-clicking the dll file in the
Windows Explorer and choosing 'Properties->Version'. ICD : don't use this one! It has a severe bug
(wrong clipping on the screen edges) ICD: Small bug, health bars in 'Rival School'
could be looking wrong... and don't use texture caching 
type 3 with this ICDs (see comments below)

Beta 2.1 (from 1998): health bars in 'Rival School' will be 
white bars... no other known bugs (ok,ok, only fullscreen
modes are supported :)

Fullscreen/window settings
Shouldn't be hard to understand...
Don't forget to activate 'Adjust desktop settings', if your
win desktop is using a different resolution/color.

16 bit color desktop will be the fastest... 

Use a 16 bit color display mode (3dfx doesn't support 32 bit 
OpenGL resolutions). And Voodoo2 cards can only do
fullscreen modes...

Texture format

The renderer is using the selected texture color format.

4-4-4-4 is the fastest mode
8-8-8-8 is the best looking mode

Best performance with "OGL driver default" or "8/8/8/8" setting, 
because the 3dfx ICD isn't very fast with packed pixel texture 
formats. The Beta 2.1 shouldn't be slower with 4-4-4-4 or
5-5-5-1 textures, though (because he doesn't support packed
pixels at all, hehehe).

Texture caching

The caching modes are quite critical for the game performance.
Type 1 mode: stores just one palette for every texture part, so
games using more palettes will cause a constant texture upload.
Type 2 mode: stores up to five palettes for every texture part.
Most likely the fastest mode for most cards.
Type 3 mode: stores ALL different palettes for every texture part
(depending on the size of your cards vram, of course).
Should only be used if the OpenGL ICD can give the right information
how many texture vram is avail (else a heavy slowdown will occurr).

Type 2 is generally the fastest mode... if you have just
16 MB vram and you want to use 8-8-8-8 textures in Rival
School, choose Type 1 (will be faster that way). If you
have a GeForce card, you should use Type 3 caching, that
mode 'repairs' the small gaps that can happen with the 
current GeForce detonator drivers in Type 1/2 caching mode.

Generally use Type 2. If you have a V2 card and you want to
play Rival School a lotta faster (about 40 FPS), go and search for 
the Beta 2.1 ICD and use Type 3 caching. Because of a bug with
the later 3dfx ICDs, Type 3 is only useful with the Beta 2.1 ICD
(but there is hope that later 3dfx ICDs will be fixed :)

Double blending

Enhances some games with brighter (more shiny) textures.

Use it, if you like it. It will not cost much speed.

Don't use it! The current 3dfx cards can't do that mode in
hardware, and the software emulation of this option is
_really_ slow.

Color dithering

If you are using a 16 bit color desktop, color dithering
will give you smoother color shadings. It's useless with
a 32 bit desktop (because in 32 bit the shading will be
already perfect :)

That's true for all ICDs.

Bilinear filtering

Textures will be looking less sharp. Some ppl like filtering,
some don't. Try it for yourself :)

Fast 'Excel' mode

Makes the 'Excel' stages in SFEXP2 lotta faster... but could 
cause some gliches, too :( 
Not much speed differences with other games, though. If you want
to be on the 'sure' side (avoiding bad effects), disable the

Texture alignment (toggle with the END key in game)

Reduces gaps in the Rival School loading screen (showing the
selected characters), if it is activated (default).
Can cause some small missing parts in some characters in SFEXP2,
though (turn it off if you are playing that game).

Frame skipping/limit (toggle with pageup/pagedown/home keys)

That options (and the texture alignment one) will be included
in the configuration dialog in one of the next renderer versions.


About the nVidia ICDs: not much to say... they are working fast
and stable :) Just one thing: the GeForce seems to handle texture
coordinates (sow/tow) slightly different as all other known ICDs,
that can cause some small thin gaps between textures on rare 
occassions in Type1/2 caching... Maybe that will be repaired within
the next official detonator version.

About the 3dfx ICDs: 3dfx wants to repair the known bugs within
their next 3dfx drivers... so watch out for newer driver versions.
(Hey, there are some emulation fans even in big companies :)

About Matrox/ATI/other ICDs: well, try it. Or wait for the 
D3D renderer, maybe that one will be faster with your card...

| Evilmind |

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