Emulators CZ Logo, vytvořené Zdeňkem EMH Musilem Přístupy od 27.3.1999

Index novinek: 26.2.1998-4.3.1997


4.března 1998, 9:35

Virtual Genesis 0.0001b (DOS) [Download]
První verze zcela nového emulátoru Genesisu! Zatím se samozřejmě ani zdaleka nemůže vyrovnat Genecystu a KGENu, většina věcí ještě není emulována vůbec (z80 --> zvuk, joystick), ale i tak je dobře, že něco nového vzniká. I kdyby jen proto, aby v autorech dvou skvělých Genesis emulátorů vzbudilo trochu nadšení do další práce, protože je stále mnoho ROMek, které v emulátorech nefungují...

Sparcade 2.23 [Download]
Bugfix release multi arcade emulátoru:

    - Wardner game options fixed
    - Centipede scanlines bug fixed
    - Original version of Slapfight now supported
    - Alcon now supported (US version of Slapfight)
    - Commando frame skip bugs fixed
GMStarion 0.02a (W95) [Download]
Druhá public verze emulátoru PSX ve velmi, velmi ranném stadiu. Na jejich webu se mi nejzajímavější informací zdá být to, ze 31.12.1998 bude jejich emulátor 100% hotov a kompatibilní, a na plnou rychlost poběží na PII/300+3dfx. Není nad to dobře si rozvrhnout práci... :-)

3.března 1998, 13:20

Update - nove sekce
High-end konzole od Segy - Sega CD, Sega 32X a Sega Saturn.

3.března 1998, 8:12

Data East Emulation [Homepage]
Na téhle stránce se dostává do celkem zajímavého stadia vývoje emulace původně arcade verzí Robocopa a Bad Dudes, nyní se zdá, že ve spolupráci s autorem Raine by se mohly urodit i další dosud neemulované arkády - Karnov, Sly Spy, Midnight Resistance, Darwin 4078 a Captain America. Publikovane obrazky jsou zatim ovsem v ponekud vyblitych barvach...

NESemu 0.01b (DOS) [Download]
Další nový emulátor NESe, už 17. (slovy sedmnáctý) pro PC. Nejzajímavější je na něm velikost - EXE má jenom 4k. Nicméně emuluje jen mapper 0 (tj. hry co mappery nepoužívají, a těch je jen asi 30), a nemá žádné kontroly rychlosti PC. Na P90 běží tak akorát, na P200 to lítá jak raketa. Nebrat. Snad příští verze...

Appler Release 1 (DOS) [Download]
Nový emulátor Apple II+, běží naplno i na 486kách a co jsem letmo zkusil, kompatibilita slušná. Ještě ty zvuky by mohly vycházet z něčeho jiného, než ze speakeru...

PUR Compatibility List [Homepage]
Za písmeny PUR se ukrývá Project UnReality, jehož víkendový release verze 0.3 znamenal celkem značný pokrok v cestě za úspěšnou emulací N64 (ať se big N vztekne). Ve výborně udělaném a podrobném compatibility listu jsou krom komerčních her i dema, která povětšinou už i fungují - to bych tedy rád věděl, jaký to může mít důvod, když z největším herním úspěchem je zobrazení loga Nintenda u Waveracera64? Což jsem mimochodem zkoušel, a nic se mi nezobrazilo. Hmm. Asi nemám ten správnej rip?

2.března 1998, 18:00

Drzost Nintenda nezna mezi - BOJKOT!
Nintendo to zrejme s bojem proti emulatorove scene mysli vazne - tohle je dopis, ktery dostaly dve z nejvetsich sajtu - Davesclassics a Classicgaming. Je to smesne, zrovna Davova sajta je povestna tim, ze tam skoro zadne ROMky nema, a snazi se udrzovat pouze free veci. malinke (<1k) logo bojkotu NintendaBojkotujte Nintendo! Nekupujte jejich konzole! (u nas to pujde snadno, zadne se tu stejne neprodavaji... ;-)
Nasleduje text dopisu:

>X-Mailer: Novell GroupWise 4.1
>Date: Thu, 26 Feb 1998 15:23:46 -0800
>TO hbbuse08@csun.edu:
>It has come to our attention that you are offering on your
>Website, "www.davesclassics.com," unauthorized copies of
>Nintendo video game titles available for downloading as well
>as software which emulates Nintendo's proprietary hardware
>systems (commonly referred to as "emulators"). This letter
>constitutes a demand that you immediately cease offering,
>reproducing and distributing Nintendo's video game titles and
>emulators by removing all such references from your
>Nintendo is the owner of numerous copyrights in its video
>games. As the owner of such copyrights, Nintendo has the
>exclusive right under U.S. law to authorize copies of its video
>games. In addition to its copyright protection, Nintendo has
>rights under Federal and State Trademark laws. Your
>unauthorized activities with respect to the offering,
>distribution, trade and display of unauthorized copies of
>Nintendo's video games constitutes both copyright and
>trademark infringements in violation of 17 U.S.C. 101 et seq.
>and 15 U.S.C. 1114, 1115 and 1116, and other applicable
>federal and state criminal and civil laws.
>This letter constitutes notice to you that your actions are
>illegal and may subject you to criminal prosecution and civil
>liability. We will be monitoring your Website to see if you
>are in compliance with the law and reserve the right to take
>all steps necessary to protect Nintendo's rights.

Update - RAGE
Dalsi sekce online - vyborny arcade emulator R.A.G.E.

nEMU konci
Dalsi dobra stranka skoncila svoji cinnost - jeji provozovatel NIRV se zacal podilet na cinnosti Emulation Campu a svoji vlastni stranku uz nebude udrzovat.

TOSBOX 1.02 [Download]
Nova verze emulatoru Atari ST neprinasi nic prevratneho, jen nekolik bugfixu.

SSemu 0.05 [Homepage]
Sega Saturn Emulator - prvni public verze by se mela objevit behem dnesni noci. Zatim to neni nic prevratneho, autorum chybi spousta informaci, nicmene jako prvni vlastovka je to slusne.

2.března 1998, 13:51

Vector Dream 1.0 (W95) Download
Zcela nový arcade emulátor, zatím podporuje jenom Asteroids, Asteroids Deluxe a Lunar Lander, ale jinak vypadá docela dobře.

Co nás čeká a nemine...
Obrázky z několika nových her, které by měli být hratelné v další verzi Raine jsou tady. Musím ovšem přiznat, že zejména screenshoty z Toki mne opravdu velmi zklamaly... :-(
Naproti tomu to, co ukazují autoři System16 z Dynamite Dux, vůbec špatně nevypadá, navíc by měl uspokojivě fungovat i zvuk.

2.března 1998, 10:43

StormWorld Closed :-(
Jedna z nejzajímavějších emulátorových stránek ukončila k 1.3. svoji činnost. RIP.

Sparcade 2.2 Download
Po delší době konečně update jednoho z mála multiarcade emulátoru, přežívajícího pod nadvládou MAME. Tato verze podporuje 21 nových her: Berzerk, Bombjack, Commando, Domino Man, Jr Pacman, Millipede, Moon Cresta, Nemesis, Rainbow Islands, Salamander, Satan's Hollow, Slap Fight, Super Cobra, Tazmania, Terra Cresta, Tron, Turtles, Tutankham, Uniwars, Vulcan Venture.

Project Unreality 0.03a Download
Oproti tomu, co jsem o něm napsal v pátek, se v releasu dle očekávání nic nezměnilo... Oficialní what's new neuvádím, je to dlouhé a příliš technické. Samozřejmě ho lze nalézt uvnitř archivu.

Z26 0.93 Download
Atari 2600 emulátor, what's new:

- A palette adjustment.
- Slightly more responsive joystick code.
- Removed some experimental graphics code.
- Smaller faster sound drivers.
- Added a 1 second startup delay to allow monitors to synchronize to
- the new video mode before starting.
- This makes it more likely that you'll see the first frame of the game.
WinUAE 0.7.0b2 Homepage
Třetí release během pěti dnů. Hmm. A co je nového:

   - Hard-files work again, as long as your existing hard-file is a
     power-of-two in megabytes (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 Megs, etc.)
   - Compiled with latest GCC 2.8.0 version, which supports Pentium and
     Pentium Pro optimizations finally
   - Support for up to 64-Megs of Zorro-III "fast" memory
   - Fixed nasty bug in the "Startup" panel in the GUI
   - Added more logging options under the "Advanced" panel in the GUI

28.února 1998, 3:10

No$GMB 1.4a Download
Bugfix release GameBoy emulatoru:

- SOUND: SBpro, SB16+ volume init (that was almost turned off by default)
- SETUP: number of emulated gameboys setting fixed
- VESA SVGA: video hardware pagesize detection (graphix debug screen)
- NO MOUSE: removed stup!d shutdown on startup (graphix debug screen)

WinUAE 0.6.9h Release 3 Homepage
Tento tyden jiz druhy release Amiga emulatoru. What's new:

- Cyrix support is back in under the "Advanced" panel in the GUI,
  and can also be turned on from the cmd-line again using "-Q -1".
- FrameSync is working again, which keeps the clock in sync finally.
  No high speed second hand in the analog Clock program anymore!
- Added Smart centering options, ala UAEL.˙ This is the equivalent
  of XY as opposed to xy in the video-options cmd-line flags.
  These centering options only make sense when running games
  and demos, not Workbench.
- If "Log Debug Info" is turned on under the "Advanced" panel in
  the GUI, then the created console window gets closed by WinUAE,
  and all text output goes to "outfile".˙ If launching WinUAE
  from an existing console window, that window will remain.
- If a configuration named "default" exists in your Configurations
  directory, it will automatically be loaded when launching
  WinUAE. Save your favorite "default" configuration, and
  from then on just double-click on WinUAE and then hit Enter
  (or click OK) to start the emulation.

27.února 1998, 22:45

Update - links online
Nestastna souhra zlych nahod mne donutila zustat pres noc v praci, takze jsem alespon mohl v klidu dat online sekci Linku, byt v zatim neutesenem tvaru.

Project Unreality News
Nova verze zatim nejnadejneji se vyvijejiciho emulatoru N64 (0.3) vyjde behem dnesni noci. Zatim autori stale marne bojuji s primitivnouckou hrou Pong (dve palky a micek). V teto nove verzi uz pujde palka ovladat, ale jen nahoru a dolu jen nekdy :-). Jsou to veci. Alespon se ale zlepsila rychlost - na P166 az na 50fps. Vzhledem k tomu, ze jsem si vcera stahnul ROM image DOOM64, zaslouzim si zcela jiste titul N64 optimista... :-))

Juno First - jarni pauza
Autor tohoto velmi slusneho emulatoru si vybira jarni mesicni dovolenou, a nebude po tuto dobu emulator vyvijet. Jsem zvedavy, jestli konkurencni RAGE vyuzije teto doby k nejakemu peknemu major updatu...

Slutte! Homepage
Novy emulator arcade verze Bionic Commanda se kazdym dnem priblizuje k alespon castecnemu dokonceni. Zatim sice zadny public release, ale z obrazku na homepage se zda, ze bychom se mohli dockat jeste tento mesic.

The Dump Strikes Again
Na nejlepsim zdroji ROMek pro Genesis/TG16 se dnes vratila zpet online i NES sekce! Jak se zda, Dumpu se na Classicgamingu dari. A to je dobre.

27.února 1998, 11:30

Update - nová sekce online
Pro příznivce i pro ty kdož ho dosud ke své škodě neznají - Callus! Emulátor coin-up automatů s deskou Capcom-1, nenechte si ujít pěkné obrázky přímo z her. Na stránku se lze samozřejmě i proklikat v menu Multi Arcade / Callus.

27.února 1998, 8:24

aneb Work-in-progres Page - zajimave informace o aktualnim vyvoji MAME, verme ze budou aktualizovany pravidelne. Z toho, co je tam ted o novinkach v budouci verzi 0.31, bych vypichnul zejmena konecne poradnou podporu pro Arkanoid (i kdyz po pravde receno, vzhledem k release single emulatoru minuly tyden, se to dalo ocekavat), dale zasadni upravu jadra umoznujici podporu 16bit barev, interni podporu ZIPu, a samozrejme jako vzdy - spoustu novych her... :-)

FreeMSX (W95) Download
Zcela novy MSX emulator. Vyzaduje DirectX a podporuje MSX1, MSX2, MSX 2+ a MSX Turbo-R.

26.února 1998, 8:55

WinUAE 0.6.9h Homepage
Tenhle emulátor Amigy je černou vránou na emulátorové scéně - what's new:

   - Encrypted "Amiga Forever" ROM-Files, with the proper key (Cloanto suxx!)
   - Picasso96
   - Zorro-III memory up to 16-megs
Aneb samé nesmysly, které si lze nahrát na výše uvedené homepage ve třech různých binárkách. Protože ale předpokládám, že každému zdejšímu čtenáři jde především o hry, podívejte se raději sem - tady je poslední stabilní verze.

BRMSX 1.101 (DOS) Download
Nejlepší MSX emulátor - what's new:

   - Full Z80 emulation, including all documented and undocumented opcodes
   - IM 2 emulation (LOTS of new games will work, like "Survivor" and "Venom
     Strikes Back")
   - DSK images are no longer write protected
   - Fixed last bugs of save and load state
   - Fixed minor bug on right side of screen, in VESA2 mode
   - Save and load state through the GUI
   - Full SCREEN 1 video cache ("Hype")
   - Support for #8000 cartridges ("Alcazar", "Mobile Suit Gundam")

X68 0.26 (W95) Download

Invemu 2.0 (DOS) Download
Update celkem nezajímavého multi arcade emulátoru přináší podporu tří nových her - Lunar Rescue, Galaxy Wars a Space Attack II, a podporu digitálního joysticku a gamepadu.

Warajevo 2.0 (DOS) Download
Jeden z nejlepších ZX Spectrum emulátorů (před příchodem x128), který se dlouho, dlouho nedočkal updatu, se ho nečekaně dostal (huh, ze slohu jsem měl trojku, takže tahle věta je ještě celkem slušná, ne? :)). Ve whats'n news je spousta věcí, ktere vypadají velmi dobře, a na jejichž vyzkoušení bude třeba chvilka času, takže je zatím ponechám bez komentáře:

- Warajevo 2.0. is, at least, real-time emulator, so speed of emulated
  Spectrum programs is like on real Spectrum, independently of speed of your
  machine (no more ugly /W switch)!!! Also, ZXCOMP 2.0. creates executable
  files which are indepedent of machine speed too.
- Emulation of AY sound chip on 128 version of the emulator is now allowed
  using AdLib compatible sound cards (Sound Blaster for example).
- Warajevo 2.0. supports (without conversion) tape files in Lunter TAP format,
  which now has nearly equality of right with native Warajevo format!
- Command parameter which suppress mixing of 8088 machine code with Z80
  machine code (for users which are afraid about possibility of infiltrating
  a "trojan horse" into a snapshot file) is implemented.
- Video emulation is improved: Warajevo 2.0. now supports wide class of high
  resolution BORDER effects, and probability of sprite flickering is reduced
  to very low value (for very fine adjustment, switch /Q is implemented).
- The environment of the emulator now can optionally work in graphic mode (put
  command SET WARAJEVO=G into AUTOEXEC.BAT file to do it), which gives more
  proffesional looking and allows new possibilities like displaying content of
  the emulated screen in the environment window.
- In addition to Lunter TAP support, Warajevo TAP format is also expanded to
  support blocks which contain tape record samples. Indirect support of TZX
  and VOC files are also implemented!
- 128 version of the emulator now emulates MIDI interface using Sound Blaster
  compatibile card. So, Warajewo is now the only emulator which emulates MIDI!
- One more exotic thing: Warajevo 2.0. emulator emulates Sinclair Network!
- Interrupt generation is synchronized with real emulator speed, so interrupt
  congesting is impossible, and interrupt frequency has no influence to sprite
  flickering (no more /I switch).
- The environment now may be called from the emulator using right mouse click.
- Options 'Convert' in the environment now supports very wide range of
  different snapshot, tape and mixed formats. Options for converting Warajevo
  databases into (or from) other Spectrum-related databases (for example, ZX
  Rainbow) are now implemented too.
- Converting of snapshot files into TAP file is now much easier to use, and
  supports many new options. Between others, conversion may be performed on
  such way that converted program will be compatible with Lunter's Z80
  emulator (in earlier releases manual modifications into loader was
  necessary), and in some cases, screen corrupting can be totally suppressed.
- Conversion 'Warajevo <-> Lunter' is now less confuse for many users.
- The environment supports Start button (like Windows 95), which allows quick
  running of ZX Spectrum programs indipedently of their format (Z80, TAP, SNA,
  SLT, BLK, TZX, VOC etc.), even running programs from ZIP archives! So,
  working with Warajevo is no more tedious with non-Z80 files (like SNA).
- Yellow color is now really yellow color...
- Working with Warajevo database is drastically faster. Entering and editing
  linked data in the database is incomparably easier. Database now has some
  new possibilities. Requirements for the free memory space in the environment when
  during tape imploding or during working with the database are reduced.
- Swap files for communications between emulator kernel and the environment
  (SPECSIM.CFG and TEMP.Z80) now may lay on arbitrary drive and directory
  (which allows making runable version of the emulator on CD-ROM). Switching
  between the kernel and the environment is now drastically faster, especially
  when tape file which is currently in use lays on floppy disc.
- Internal monitor has now help page, one new command (N), and some useful
  improvements in the search command (F).
- Opcode #ED #FB (and also #ED #F6) which is so-called Multi-level Load Trap
  on many other emulators (including Lunter's Z80, XZX etc.) is implemented,
  although on one specific way. So, Warajevo 2.0. now indirectly supports SLT
  format too.
- Sound during loading using non-standard loaders (and with standard loaders
  in SLOW tape emulation mode) is more realistic (like on original Spectrum).
  Border effects during slow loading are implemented too.
- Edge recognizer algorithm is a bit improved, so it can recognize broader
  class of loaders.
- Program ZXCOMP now has switch /? for getting a quick help. Compiled programs
  also support switch /? which shows list of other possible switches.
- One bad point in release 2.0: this release needs a bit faster computer than
  release 1.5. (33 MHz or more) for correct working.
- Bug which makes impossible loading programs from tape using Sound Blaster is
  now removed.
- Very serious bug which destroys cartridge file from time to time (but very
  often, in according with Murphy's law) is now removed.
- A stupid bug which corrupt carry flag after tape saving (due to this reason,
  program 'Turbo imploder', when save is requested, save only a header) is now
- We believe that bug which sometimes cause crash during pallete changing (F5)
  on some computers is removed.
- Bug which causes message 'Internal error - unexpected wraping' in some cases
  with programs created using ZXCOMP is now removed.
- MS Windows compatibility is quite improved, so programs like 'Dynamite Dan',
  'Galactic Gunners' etc. now works under MS Windows.
- Under Windows 95, Spectrum files (Z80 etc.) may be registered, so double
  click on such files will load and run them.
- Some harmless bugs into the environment are removed. Many options are
  improved and easier to use.
- A lot of other (mostly estetic) bugs are removed (but, maybe, a lot of new
  bugs are introduced).
- The documentation is expanded (oh, no), and FAQ list is updated with new
  questions and answers.
- The documentation on Bosnian language now contains Bosnian-specific letters
  (using code page 852).
- Our E-mail addresses in the documentation are changed.
- Icon WARAJEVO.ICO is redesigned.
- This program is still freeware, but now if you donate 80 DM or more, you can
  get source files of whole emulator!

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